Little Lolas

Terms and Conditions

This website is the property of Little Lola´s S.L.

NIF: B16881906

Paseo María Agustín 88

50003, Zaragoza


Commercial Registry of Zaragoza.

To contact, please do so by email on:

Access and Scope

The use and access to all the content of this website and of any service offered in it, will mean accepting the requirements and all the conditions of which it is thus informed, of the general conditions that apply to this area.

Little Lolas S.L. is not responsible (except for the limits required by law) for any update problems or content that is not understandable or sufficiently shown or included in any of the pages of the website. The general nature of the content communicated is to accompany and help the user and never to legally advise the user.

Conditions and Limited Liability

On this website all content such as: software, images, texts, designs, code, graphics, icons, logos, brands and any detail that suggests the Little Lola’s brand belong to Little Lolas and are protected by the laws that regulate the intellectual and industrial property. Both commercial names and web domains belong and have thus been registered to Little Lolas. Any use for the benefit of a third party without the written consent of Little Lolas, will be liable to be sued and prosecuted.

The user agrees, without exception, to make appropriate use of the contents and functionalities of the website as established by law and under the conditions indicated, so that the navigation and use of this website is the sole responsibility of the user. Little Lolas is not responsible for inappropriate content in accordance with the legal framework (xenophobic, pornographic content, which makes some kind of apology to prohibited topics, etc.) that may be disseminated by users, impersonation and identity theft, as well as the introduction of any type of malicious software that affects other users. Any problem or damage generated to third parties due to improper use of the website will exempt Little Lolas from any responsibility.

The existence within the web of links to other sites will not mean the approval or the fact that Little Lolas is responsible for the content of said third-party sites, giving Little Lolas’  criminal, civil or administrative liability for said sites is limited to what is established in law 34/2002 on information society services and electronic commerce. Even so, Little Lolas requests that if any anomalous content is detected, it is reported in the previously arranged email so that, if it so determines, Little Lolas can begin any type of procedure in this regard.

Little Lolas will try to keep all its content in the best and most up-to-date way and will communicate through emails provided by the users, any information it deems necessary, excluding, as far as the law allows, liability for damages and problems caused as a result of problems of user access, failures in the functionality of some web applications and the presence of malware in a file on the site.

The legislation that applies to the website is Spanish and in the event of any conflict that may appear, it will be settled in the courts of the city of Zaragoza.